Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bathroom etiquette

We ventured away from our regular Pizza Hut and braved a Chinese noodle restaurant for lunch today. I am not sure if that is what gave me "Chinese stomach" and the IMMEDIATE need to use the bathroom, but regardless, I knew I wasn't going to make it the 20-30 minute drive back to our apartment. After finding a bathroom I saw relief... but not so fast...In the women's restroom there appeared to be what was of a line of women waiting in an orderly fashion for their turn. As more ladies come into the bathroom, they would just walk to the "front of the line." Someone would come out and they would go in. Then the women would shuffle and move up or back in line, almost as if it was a game. I wasn't quite sure how the system worked, all I knew was that I needed to use the bathroom and people that were coming in after me and getting into stalls before me. I kind of figured that they were maybe picking a stall and standing outside of them and if the stall they picked opened up, they would go in. So after getting cut in front of about 5 times, I grabbed Eden's hand, walked to the front of the line and stood in between people and the stalls. When the next one opened up, I walked in front, only allowing room for her to exit. I did it! I got into a bathroom stall in a busy public restoom in China! VICTORY!!! Victory!! Victory!! One point Vicki....0 points Chinese women!! I did however, feel a little bad for Eden (small stall, hole in the ground, and mom with upset stomach)...but such is life.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Vicki you really need to write a book about all of your adventures! Hope that your tummy is feeling better. We miss you guys!
