Friday, March 26, 2010

1st week

We have braved the Americanized restaurants here in China and are becoming regulars at Pizza Hut. We always have been ones to jump right into acclamating to where ever we are. IKEA was fun as well. They don't have Mac N Cheese, but spaghetti was a good second alternative as well as the meatballs. We got to witness potty training in its raw form as a little boy pooped through the slit in his pants on the restaurant floor at IKEA. Our kids thought it was gross, I found it intersting. Our kids are braving the squatty potties here, although I have to help hold the girls so they don't fall, and only got my shoe peed on once. I now know why it is customary to remove your shoes when you enter someones house. We will not be wearing shoes in the house as if you use a bathroom anywhere in public, you have stepped in bodily waste. I will also always remember to bring toilet paper with me. You will only forget that once here and not a second time. Well, I guess I learned to bring it for myself, now next time we go out I will bring some for the kids as well. Hand sanitizer, soap and a towel will be on the list for my purse as well. We also found a way to get personally escorted out of IKEA by a man in a business suit and a walkie talkie. Note to self, don't reenter the second floor to get kids out of play area after purchasing items. They don't like that. Matt's Chinese is "very good"...nobody has complimented me on my chinese yet...Evidently you have to use different tones, which I don't think is quite necessary.
School starts on Monday, so the routine and schedule will begin then. First week of just learning our way around and figuring things out somewhat completed.

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