Monday, February 22, 2010

Countdown to our Move-T- 26 days

26 days until we drive to the airport with our 30 bags (20 to check and 10 to carry on). The logistics of that itself will be interesting, especially since we are so blessed to move there with the Davis family and their 5 kids. So adding that into the equation, there will be 4 adults, 8 kids, and 48 bags to check through to Dalian and 24 bags to carry on the airplane with us. Thankfully my twin sister Heather and my oldest sister Michelle will be flying here and helping us at the airport along with a high school friend and one of Matt's coworkers. We may have to get pictures of all this. This weekend kicks off packing as we have our garage sale. Then the real packing begins. Until then, we continue to be in the waiting countdown stage.

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