Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prayer Requests

The time seems to be coming at us like a flood! If you feel so led, please pray for us. We have some specific things that we have begun to pray for.
1) That we will be a light onto Christ while there and that He will use us for His purpose and His glory. That we would be obedient to His calling and be sharers of the gospel.
2) Our driver. While we are in China we will have a driver assigned to our family. Pretty much, our lives will be in his hands. We pray for his salvation. We pray that we can build a good relationship with him and that he will become part of our family. We pray he is a man of honesty and integrity.
3) Our Ayi. She will help with cooking, cleaning, and with the kids. It is pretty standard to have an Ayi. We pray for her salvation and that she would come to know Jesus as her Lord and Saviour as well. We pray for our relationship with her and that she too would become a part of our family. We pray that she would be a woman of honesty and integrity.
4) For us as we prepare to go. There are so many little decisions that we have to make and our "to do list" seems to grow daily. Pray that we would have and keep a kingdom perspective throughout the remainder of our time here and for our time in China.
Thanks!! Vicki

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