Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm in China

We have been here a month now and received our sea shipment from the states today, affirming the reality of our move. Yep, we are living in China. 1 month down, 20 to go. Our things that were on the slow boat to China have arrived, and I have never been more thankful for our bed than I am now. After sleeping on a table with sheets for the past month, feeling the softness of our bed is probably comparable to recieving life sustaining bread and water, basic nutrients needed to exist. You can only go so long without them before your body gives up. Not an exaggeration in the least (my neighbor got bed sores...true story). The people who unpacked our shipment went to great lengths to get our belongings where we wanted them, risking their very lives. Yes, they climbed over the stair banister, which if you fell from you would end up in the basement, to help get our life sustaining matress to our bedroom. I pray blessings and protection for them, because I just don't see service like that in the states (but I also don't see a lot of things in the states like I see here).
It was like Christmas here, I started going through our boxes, and literally there were our Christmas decorations. I found a clock and pictures, but unfortunately we also have cement walls, and we can't hang anything on them unless we have the management company come and do it, which sounds easy, but is actually a very interesting experience in itself. The kids were thrilled to get their bikes, so now we can bike to the boardwalk by the ocean, which will hopefully become a regular memory making activity.
So here we are and it looks as if we will be staying for a little while. I miss home, but am becoming thankful for the seemingly small things. Right now, in this very moment, I am very thankful that I get to sleep on a soft bed tonight. I will survive.


  1. Merry Christmas! How fun to have the bikes! That sounds like a great memory making activity. "I remember when we lived in China and we'd bike to the ocean . . . " And what a blessing to get your beds!

  2. Do they have those 3M removable velcro thingies there, that would probably work to hand your pictures, they work great cause you can reposition them easily if you have a crooked eye like me. If not, let me know, I'll send you some....

  3. Amazing, isn't it... how much we like to be comfortable? My idol for sure. Praying for you, sweet friend... Love, Patty

  4. I am not even there yet and I feel your pain about missing things(felt it the two weeks we were there for spring break!). We will get through it together!

  5. So glad that your shipment arrived! Have fun on those bikes and enjoy your bed. We miss you guys!

  6. Keep up the writing. You're a great story teller. This is my favorite thing to read each week. God Bless you guys

  7. Great to hear from my dear friend! The way that you tell a story on your blog is exactly the same way that you would tell it in person, so I like imagining that you're right here telling me the story, and then you don't seem so far away. Have fun finding all of your treasures that you might have taken for granted back here at home. Say hi to your hubby and kids from the Weber clan! Love you! -A
